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    Theoretical Models and their Application in Organisation | NHS

    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions:

    • Generate an understanding of the knowledge, skills and behaviours to be an effective people manager.
    • National Health service is a public health care system in UK. Analyse and evaluate important HR processes which underpin the performance management of people at work.
    • Provide an in-depth understanding of contemporary issues facing line managers relating to people management.
    Answer :


    People management is important for all organisation as it helps to manage the business activities and getting things done effectively. People management also known as Human resource department where rules and regulations are formulated by them in order to retain employees and complete the task. All task and activities are controlled in this department that consider different aspects such as training & development, recruiting, hiring, safety and wellness of people, compensation and motivation which helps employees to make right decision and work for organisation welfare (Ashdown, 2018). So, people are managed by HR department who understand the problems of people and get them solution which processes to perform well    . This report is based on NHS that is governmental body provide ample number of services to people. The services which is provided health care services. National Health Services is known as healthcare corporation which was formed in 1948 in England. In this report different topics are going to be discussed abou6t three areas like leadership and management, training and development and talent management. This report focus on theoretical models within 3 areas, role and priorities of NHS management and internal and external influences on 3 highlighted areas.


    TASK 1

    Theoretical models and their application in organisation

    Leadership & Management

    Leadership and management is the ability and potentiality of an individual which helps to deal with difficulties and problems effectively. Leadership is consider as those activity which is used to attracts people and getting the thing done effectively. This is important for business organisation as when people are working at work place there is need to have good knowledge and skills to run the business organisation (Ahmed and et. al., 2018). Management and leaders should understand the problems of people and provide them a best solution which can helps to complete the task. Management is also an activity which is run by Human resources manager and formulate different regulations and policies to retain their employees. In context to NHS, leadership and management department are running their health care institution by building strong relationship with employees and other. They motivate their employees which helps to work effectively and increase the organisational performance (Gregory, 2019).  Such department understand the employee's problems and support them which helps to maintain the good performance. Management and leaders are using appropriate theory and models for sustaining the business that is defined as:

    Contingency theory :

    This theory is given by Fred Edward Fiedler in 1964 who states that the personality and behaviour of leaders and managers should be very positive that can helps to deal with every situation. This also states that no particular leadership and management style is suitable for business organisation (Convery and et. al., 2019). According to this theory a leader and manager does not depends on only their abilities but also capable to face every challenges which arises in organisation and conflicts. For example, NHS is using contingency theory to deal with challenges as there is conflicts between people and productivity is going to be reduced. To deal with this, leaders has own set of skills, abilities, experience, way to deal with situation and motivational power which motivate people and support them to go ahead which helps to increase the organisational performance.

    Training and development

    To work properly and accepting the challenges training & development is important for business organisation that give confidence to people to work well and increase their working power (Dalcher, 2018). This is important for business organisation to develop such programme and get trained their employees so they can perform well and help to increase the activity. In context to NHS, if any new technique and procedure introduced by management to deal with more health diseases them leaders understand employees problem and provides them training and development which helps to learn more and build their confidence as they can do new things. For this organisation is using appropriate model:

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    Transitional Model – The main focus of this model is on whole organisation where it describes vision, mission, objectives and values of business organisation on the dependency of training model. According to this model, training and development programme should be provided to employees which helps to adopt the new technology and methods to work. For instance vision and mission of NHS is to provide better quality of health care services by using new technology and become a largest organisation in healthcare industry (Roßmann and Hafner, 2018). For this, manager and leaders adopt new technology and arranges trainings for employees which gives competitive advantages to organisation.

    Talent Management

    This consider as a anticipation of required capital which is related to human being for a business organisation (Hughes, 2019). This management is controlled by HR department in order to meet with needs and wants. Such as management of NHS understand the needs and make holistic strategy for hiring, retaining and training them. This involves an effective approach which is described as:

    Expectancy theory: This is motivational theory which was given by Victor Vroom in order to motivate employees. According to this, manager and leader of organisation should motivate their employees that gives positive outcomes (McCartan, 2018). In context to NHS, managers and leaders motivate their employees by rewards, benefits, incentives and opportunities for their talent and good work which motivate them and helps to perform well.

    TASK 2

    Roles & Priorities of NHS management

    As per above analysis it has examined that management are playing an important role in NHS as they recruit skilled staff and provide them training to work properly. The roles and priorities of NHS management is defined along with function such as:

    Role and priorities:

    Clinical role: Management of NHS are playing clinical role in which they give priorities to people who are suffering from diseases and give them best services (Roles and Priorities of NHS management, 2020).

    Training and development: Management of NHS focuses on training of employees who provide clinical services to people and helps to make them healthy person. This helps to make confident and work effectively (Shankar,  2018).

    Equal payment: The management of NHS provide equal payment to its staff as they have responsibility and power to give equal payment for their work. This helps to reduce the discrimination between people.

    HR functions:

    Recruitment: This is foremost function of HR in in which it recruits potential employees for right position. HR manager of NHS perform its function by recruiting skilled and experienced employees which helps to provide clinical services to people (Ashdown, 2018).

    Training & development: The HR manager of NHS understand employees problem and conducts training sessions on time to time which helps to increase skills, knowledge and experience of them and also improve organisational productivity.

    Employee relations: This is significant HR function which develop positive and strong relationships between employees and employers. In context to NHS, HR management is performing such functions by reducing conflicts and build strong relations between employee and employees which processes to well performance (Ahmed and et. al., 2018).

    Therefore, management of NHS are playing essential and priorities in organisation by understanding their functions which helps to maintaining continuous growth and sustainable organisation.

    TASK 3

    Internal and external influences on Leadership & management, T&D and talent management

    Internal and external influences

    For all organisational managers it is crucial to manage its people as employees are the core part of business. In present scenario of NHS, top management team executes various workings so to examine the internal and external elements that influences the significant areas that are talent management, T&D, leadership and management (Gregory, 2019). Few of the elements in context to all areas are as discussed:

    Leadership and management

    Internal influences: These are the factors which affects business success and organisational administrators have some control on these. The internal factors influencing leadership and management are human resources including manpower, volunteers addition to target audiences (Convery and et. al., 2019). In NHS, there are various circumstances in which employees resist to accept changes that are implemented by the managers and leaders due to which workings of these authorities are influenced to immense level.

    External influences: These are the factors that resides outside company and leads in changes within business entity. In general, social conditions are the main influences for the area of leadership and management. In the social environment, there are various changes arises within community, religion and many more due to which managers with proper consultation to leaders requires to modify their styles and strategies that influences thinking and actions of leadership and management in certain manner (Shankar,  2018).

    Training and Development

    Internal influence: These are the influences which involves motivation, perceptions, learnings and role. Top management support and availability of resources are some factors which influences training with development (Dalcher, 2018). When all the required resources such as equipments, place and tools that have holding capacity and proper support is provided by top management so to conduct training sessions as well as development plans to staff members influences positively the area of training and development at NHS.

    External Influence: These comes from factors related to place, things and ideas from outside world. In context to training and development area, changes in legal compliances by political authorities for the standards to train and develop people are the factors which results in influential aspects on the area (Roßmann and Hafner, 2018). In relevance to NHS, when any sort of modification are done within healthcare legislations for the area, then the entity is also required to alter the practices as per the benchmarks that influences existing training and development related provisions.

    Talent management

    Internal influence: Business managers timely control internal influences through proper forecasting future. Working environment is one of internal influence that plays essential function in implementing suitable talent management framework in NHS. The administrators of NHS provides suitable work culture and environment to manpower they works with full motivation and improves business efficiency that influences talent management area positively (Hughes, 2019).

    External Influence: Changes within external factors makes it essential for organisational members to make adjustments within operations. Workforce demographics is one of influence of talent management. As older generation gets retired along with fresh blood enters, the workforce that manage talent looks for attracting new candidate sets (McCartan, 2018). In NHS, hiring is done in different way and diverse kinds of compensation packages are offered to the people which helps in talent management properly.

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    From the above discussion it has recommended that people management is the art of organisation which is run by  mostly organisation in order to arrange people and complete the task in effective time. The management of NHS is required to formulate strong policies and regulation which should be welfare in context to employees and organisation. Such as equal payment, motivational factors, training and development programme, sharing information and suggesting them are main strategy which can be using by management and leaders of NHS that will helps to improve performance more. Management is one who has control over all activities and mitigate the risk which arises within organisation. In this report three areas were discussed that followed as:

    In the first area of report Leadership & management is covered which helps NHS to use contingency theory in order to deal with difficulties and problems. This will helps to control and manage all situations effectively and improves organisational productivity.

    In second area, suggesting to team management about training and development sessions which will help to increase knowledge and skills of employees and give them more opportunities for personal and professional development

    End area recommended about talent management in which team management of NHS must hire skilled as well as qualified employees that can helps to get positive outcome by providing good health to people. This will also help to carrying out the operations by following regulations and policies.


    On the basis of this report it can be concluded that management of people are done by HR department who recruits, make policies and provide benefits to employees in order to retain and complete the task. There are different functions of HR such as recruitment, training & development, employee relations and motivation which attracts people and increase the organisational performance. Leadership and management gives positives outcomes by developing good relations and maintain business activities in effective manner. 

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